Is therapy right for me?
There are many reasons people come to therapy. Sometimes it is to deal with long-standing problems or issues with anxiety or depression. Other times it is in response to traumatic events such as abuse, death or major life transition such as a divorce or work change. Many people come to therapy as they work on their own personal exploration and growth. Therapy can help one see situations from a different perspective that supports new strategies for how to deal with life challenges. Therapy is right for anyone who is interested in living a life they feel better in and about.
What can I expect in a therapy session?
Every therapy session is unique to each individual and their specific concerns. Usually, we talk about what is happening to you presently, your life as a whole, and any new developments that have occurred since your last session. Sessions are usually weekly or bi-weekly where each session lasts 45 to 60 minutes. Therapy can be short-term, focusing on a specific issue or longer-term and addressing more complex issues or ongoing personal growth. For therapy to be most effective you must be an active participant, both during and between the sessions.
What benefits can I expect from working with a therapist?
Therapy can help provide insight and new perspectives into life's challenges. Therapy can increase resilience and coping skills and help develop solutions to difficult problems. Many people find that working with a therapist enhances personal development, improves relationships, family dynamics, and can ease the challenges of daily life. Sometimes, just having someone there to listen is helpful. People often say after therapy they feel lighter, more at peace and better equipped to deal with their life.
Is therapy confidential?
Confidentiality is one of the most important components between a client and psychotherapist. The law protects the confidentiality of communications between a client and a psychotherapist. Information is not disclosed without written permission. However, there exceptions to this rule.
Exceptions include:
Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse. The therapist is required by law to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.
If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person/s. The therapist must notify the police and inform the intended victim.
If a client intends to harm himself or herself. The therapist will make every effort to enlist their cooperation in ensuring their safety. If they do not cooperate, further measures may be taken without their permission in order to ensure their safety.
“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you. ”